Lifestyle Strategies Training & Consultancy

We can help employers with a range of wellbeing training and consultancy needs.

Our stress management training courses are designed to be delivered in-house and can either be a full or a half day in length. The courses are highly interactive and allow for group discussion, personal reflection and action planning. They are carefully structured to illustrate how the risk of stress can be minimized for individual managers, employees and the organization as a whole. Our engaging and interactive training courses enable participants to cope with demanding situations such as trauma and workplace conflict, as well as practical daily issues such as wellbeing and work-life balance.

Some of our popular training programs are:

Managing stress through building and maintaining team resilience – This program is particularly effective for teams working in a highly pressured environment

Stress management training for managers – Specifically developed to meet the needs of organizations that have recognized the crucial role managers play in the reduction and prevention of work-related stress

Managing stress by managing change – A very valuable program during periods of organizational or team change

Managing stress through lifestyle – A program of short sessions that provide guidance and support in establishing healthy lifestyle practices for stress prevention

Practical approaches to handling pressure – Increases participants understanding of stress and its effects, to help them develop strategies to cope with stress related issues

Lifestyle Health Strategy and Consultancy

We offer a wide range of Lifestyle health consultancy services.

Our multi-disciplinary team includes workplace wellbeing specialists, clinicians, trauma specialists, occupational health consultants, organizational resilience specialists and wellbeing trainers who deliver intelligent programs which have a demonstrable impact on the health of organizations and employees.

Our consultancy programs include:

  • Absence Management
  • Return To Work
  • Mental Health Policy Design
  • Anti-Stigma
  • Employee Engagement

Organizational Wellbeing Audit & Stress Audits

Our organizational health audit will assess your organization against the Health and Safety Executive’s Management Standards. It is an effective solution designed to help employers assess and manage workplace stressors.

We will design and conduct a survey which will measure if stress is adversely affecting your organization and identify stress hotspots as well as the root causes of stress. Our specialist consultants will identify practical steps you can take to address key stress-related issues and help your team develop preventative strategies for the future. This will reduce the risk of stress-litigation and comply with the latest HSE standards.

Find out how we can make a difference to your organization today!