7 Nutrients You May Be Missing in Your Diet

09 Oct 2023
  1. Potassium
    Like most Africans, you probably need more of this mineral. It’s good for your blood pressure and may lower your risk for kidney stones and bone loss. Your muscles and nerves need it to work right, too. It’s found naturally in milk, potatoes, sweet potatoes, bananas, avocados, and legumes.
  2. Magnesium
    Spinach is good for you, but do you know why? Along with beans, peas, whole grains, and nuts (especially almonds), it’s a good source of magnesium. Put some or all of these foods on your plate to help prevent disease.
    If you have stomach or intestinal problems, type 2 diabetes, or long-term alcohol abuse, or if you’re an older adult, you’re more likely to be short on magnesium.
  3. Vitamin A
    It supports good vision, healthy immunity, and tissue growth. There are two types of vitamin A: retinol and carotenoids, like beta-carotene. To get more into your diet, focus on orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, like sweet potatoes, carrots, and winter squash. You’ll also get it from spinach and broccoli.
  4. Vitamin D
    Your bones, muscles, and nerve fibres all need it. It also helps keep your immune system in its prime.
    Your body can make vitamin D when you get enough sunshine. But too much sun is bad for you, so you can also eat foods including salmon, mackerel, and mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet light. Liver, cheese, and egg yolks have small amounts. Milk, some brands of orange juice, and many cereals are fortified with it, too.
  5. Calcium
    There’s more to this mineral than healthy teeth and bones. It’s also key for your muscles, including your heart. With potassium and magnesium, it might even help prevent high blood pressure. Dairy is an excellent source. Other foods with calcium include canned salmon, kale, and broccoli. Remember, you need vitamin D for your body to absorb calcium.
  6. Vitamin C
    Can it cure the common cold? Maybe not. But some research suggests it may make you feel less sick and better sooner. This vitamin, found in many fruits and vegetables, boosts the growth of bone and tissue. It’s an antioxidant, too, so it might also help protect your cells from damage.
  7. Fibre
    You can get loads of benefits from whole grains, beans, and veggies and fruits. A high-fibre diet can help lower your cholesterol and keeps you regular. Plus, it might lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. Extra fibre is great if you want to lose a few pounds: It fills you up, so you eat less.

Foods You Can’t Stop Eating — But Should

  1. Pizza
    Sometimes you just want to have it. But that doesn’t mean you have to have the deep-dish with a thick crust (with loads of carbs), extra cheese, and four kinds of meat (tons of calories and saturated fat). Go for a thin-crust veggie version, light on the cheese. Order a salad to help fill you up and add nutrients without extra calories.
  2. Potato Chips
    You never can eat only one. And the fat, salt, and carbs add up. For a crunchy treat with a little more health appeal, try nuts. Their nutrients help your cells work, and their good fats keep you full and satisfied. Just keep an eye on portion size — they have fats, too. You could also pop some popcorn. It’s high in fiber and low in calories — as long as you watch the butter. Either one will satisfy hunger better than potato chips.
  3. Pasta
    If you crave it, but want to cut down on the carbs, skip the flour-based noodles and use spaghetti squash instead. It’s great with a simple tomato sauce. You’ll cut calories and carbs by half — or more — compared with the same dish that has pasta. Add some lean ground beef or turkey breast if you want something a little heartier.
  4. Dip
    Whether it’s made with sour cream, cream cheese, or stuff that just looks like cheese, it’s hard to say no to this fatty party fare. Next time you have a shindig, switch to hummus. You’ll slash the fat and add protein from the chickpeas. While you’re at it, trade those less-than-healthy chips for all-you-can-eat veggies like bell pepper, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, and celery.
  5. Cereal
    Many are loaded with simple carbs and sugars. Try oatmeal instead. The fibre helps fill you up and slows the absorption of calories into your bloodstream. That keeps your energy steady. It may even help you eat fewer calories over the course of the day.
  6. Chocolate
    A typical candy bar is full of sugar, unhealthy fats, and preservatives. If you want the sweet stuff, go for some dark chocolate. It can lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to your brain and heart, and protect cells from damage. Look for a plain bar with a cocoa content of 70% to 85%. Skip fillers like nuts and fruit, and don’t eat more than 1 ounce a day.
  7. French Fries
    Skip the deep-fried version and bake them instead. You’ll save calories: A small order of fast-food fries has 230 calories, but a whole medium baked potato has 130-140 calories. Check the grocery store for frozen fries you can pop into the oven. Just be careful what you put on them — sour cream, butter, or ketchup can add lots of calories and fat.
  8. Doughnuts
    They come in sets of a dozen for a reason, right? Wrong. These nutrient-free sugar bombs are custom-made to pile on pounds and leave you hungry for more. If you want a breakfast that will keep you going all day, try eggs or cottage cheese. They’re both nutritious, satisfying, and full of protein that will give you an even supply of energy for a longer chunk of time.
  9. White Bread
    It has very little fibre to slow the release of sugar into your blood and expand to make you feel full. Look for a package that lists whole grain or whole wheat as the first ingredient.
  10. Ice Cream
    You start off thinking you’ll just have a spoonful and wind up eating the whole carton. That’s a lot of fat, sugar, and calories. If you want to splurge on something cool and creamy, switch to sorbet or fat-free frozen yogurt. You might even try a carton of plain Greek yogurt with some berries and nuts. You’ll get calcium along with protein, plus fibre and other nutrients from the add-ons.
  11. Smoothies
    They’re fine as a treat from time to time, but it’s better to eat your fruits and veggies whole. Plus, it’s easy to eat too much too quickly. Calories and carbs, from fruit especially, can add up quickly.
  12. Ketchup
    It’s mostly tomatoes right? Well, yes — and sugar. Lots of sugar. Four grams in every tablespoon to be exact. If you want something tomato-y, make some homemade tomato salsa. You can add a bit of cayenne pepper for a spicy little kick.
  13. Muffins
    If you want to have cake for breakfast, just do it. Calling it a muffin won’t make it any better for you. It’s full of refined white flour, sugar, and fat — which packs in the calories but doesn’t help your hunger. Try a whole grain English muffin with peanut butter instead. You’ll get complex carbs — which absorb more slowly — less sugar, and lots of protein.
  14. White Rice
    It breaks down into sugar and gets into your blood too quickly. But there are things you can do to help. First, pick the right type. Basmati, for example, has a lower glycaemic index (GI) — it breaks down into sugar more slowly. Second, don’t overcook it, which can raise GI. Special rice cookers can help. And as with potatoes, more “resistant starches” — that are good for your gut and slow digestion — will form as the rice cools. Brown rice is a good alternative, especially if you add in vegetables for fibre.
  15. Cookies
    Don’t get caught with your hand in the cookie jar. The carbs, sugar, saturated fat, and extra ingredients you get from processed treats don’t do you any favours. For a snack that will soothe your sweet tooth and give you a protein boost to boot, try graham crackers with a dab of peanut butter.